[Public Domain] 7 Jan 2025 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Astrophotography
3,982 others viewed this post.
I’m returning to an old favourite of the southern summer nights. But this time, I’ve come back with a itty bitty little telescope and a new camera from QHY (miniCAM8) which they sent me for testing. I’m very lucky to get to use this camera before most people can even buy one (thank you!). It’s now my current recommendation for any beginner wanting to get into astrophotography with a small telescope. I’ve got a whole video about it here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11HNh_n5JrI
I can’t believe this is only 1 hour of data from a complete rig worth $2.8k USD!
Sky-Watcher 82ED /w reducer
Sky-Watcher GTI Mount
QHY Minicam8
20 x 60s Ha
27 s 30s Red
30 x 30s Green
28 x 30s Blue
Total 62 minutes
For those who are interested in the gear:
Star Adventurer Tripod $95.00
Sky-Watcher GTI Mount $640.00 https://bit.ly/3sUFOXZ
Sky-Watcher Evolux 82ED $599.00 https://bit.ly/36henwd
Flattener Reducer $385.00
ZWO 30F4 Guidescope $99.00 https://bit.ly/425z6NQ
QHY200M Guide Cam $263.00 https://bit.ly/4152EbY
QHY minicam8 $799.00 https://bit.ly/3W8If4i
TOTAL $2,880.00 USD
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