[Public Domain] 27 Feb 2004 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Species
8,393 others viewed this post.
The light wouldn’t stop changing. One second the sun was beating down, and then a cloud would pass over and it would become dark. I bumped the ISO up to 800 for a close up in a darker moment. Digital is a boon at least for being able to change “film speed” on the fly.
I found this interesting piece of information on the Australian Museum website :
The ant fauna of Australia is especially diverse, having 10 subfamilies, 103 genera and about 1,300 described species and subspecies of ants. In comparison with the rest of the world, Australia has 66.7% of the world’s subfamilies, 33.3% of the genera and about 15% of the worlds species (Bolton, 1994)
UPDATE – Photo used by Swiss corporate website www.mtprod.ch for front page web design.
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