[Public Domain] 8 May 2005 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Manmade
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CAUTION : Material within contains asbestos : Refer to asbestos register.
I am old enough to remember a few things like the cane at school and when cigarettes were advertised on television. I also remember asbestos, once a common building material you would see it in the roof or walls of existing rooms.
The word ”asbestos” describe six fibrous minerals – chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophylitte and actinolite and is not merely a modern product. The ancient greeks use asbestos material and romans used it for building also.
Its use has since been strongly disregarded due to its affect on human health, it nano-fibres now seen as a mesothelioma cancer causing catalyst and the subject of many class action law suits against large companies where workers were exposed to asbestos. Some of these continue today as is the case with James Hardie Australia. Peritoneal mesothelioma is a tumor of the membrane that separates organs within the abdomen.
This sticker is found on the stairwell where I work, and apparently the asbestos is contained underneath the tile work so will not release the dangerous fibers into the air posing risks to workers. Still, a little worrying!
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