[Public Domain] 7 Jan 2004 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Landscape, Notable
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I had slept in a national park rainforest without paying entry fees as I pulled in late and slept on a roadside instead of a camping area. My nokia’s alarm clock woke me at 5:30 and I engaged 4wd so I could get out in time to see the sun rise over the beach.
My boss had already started SMSing my phone asking me to come into work, I told him I was on my way and went to the beach. The cold morning wind bit my face and hands and I pulled my hood tight. The sun hadn’t broken free from the horizon and the sky began to turn orange and pink. With the tide coming in I clambered across the rocks and setup the tripod on the edge of a rocky waterway. *click*
UPDATED – Published by ‘Camera’ Magazine and SMH online.
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