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[Public Domain] 30 Apr 2005 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Species
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The echidna is an easily recognized and extraordinary animal. Besides the fact that it is one of two species on earth in the primitive monotreme group (the other being the platypus), it has many interesting behaviors.
There is a well known story of researchers having left an Echidna alone in a room overnight, only to find it had moved a fridge when they returned!
Also experiments suggest Echidnas use electroreception to detect their prey, and have been observed to uncover and find batteries that have been buried or hidden from them.
Echidnas were long thought to be silent and their vocal signature has only been witnessed very rarely, although nobody can confirm whether this is a courtship or alarmed noise. Usually when confronted, an echidna will dig into the ground, spikes out making it almost impervious to attack.
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