[Public Domain] 24 Feb 2004 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Landscape
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The snow was challenging to photograph.. it was so bright, it was hard to take a photo that didn’t look washed out. The camera automatically tries to balance things out and makes incorrect speculation due to the glare. Setting the film speed relatively fast (400) allowed me to close the aperture quite a lot while maintaining a fast shutter speed (1/250s) so that everything ended up with an even focus, but I could still take the photo without the need for a tripod. Despite the very natural looking result, this photo is taken outside a resort cabin on the edge of a car park.
(tip) .. A friend of mine told me later that rubbing snow into bark can make the texture smooth and glossy and bring out the ochres and reds from the eucalypts. It may not have helped this particular image.. but a good tip anyhow.
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