[Public Domain] 2 Jan 2008 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Manmade
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From the other end of the international date line, we send our best wishes and warmest regards for the new year, 2008. Pictured here, the view over Tahiti’s capital, Papeete, from a black sand beach just east of there, as midnight heralded the new year with a cacophony of legal fireworks from every direction, many exploding right over our heads and behind us. Like every year, this otherwise arbitrary date fills us with a sense of reflection, renewal and introspection. The invisible slate is erased, and the unspoken personal scorecard is reset to zero. You have another 360+ days to make this one count, and your time starts now.
NOTES : Photo is a composite of about a dozen photos of the same view with various fireworks, each exposure is 30 seconds, combined with blending mode “lighten” at about 80%.
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