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[Public Domain] 7 Feb 2006 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Landscape
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On Lighthouse beach each morning, groups of usually older fishermen, spend their morning casting nets or hauling them in, paddling out around the rocks or swimming around the reef to catch all manner of seafood. The younger generation of fisherman fish by night, with larger trawling boats. On this occasion we took a traditional catamaran out across the bay to a particularly good snorkeling area where we spent a good deal of time watching eels, crustaceans and schools among the rocks. Our guide, an old Indian man waited for us before taking us back, though I felt bad letting him do all the work and used the bamboo paddle, also pictured, to help bring the boat back to the shore. The boats are not water tight at all making passengers quite wet, but float from the light woods own buoyancy. Also, far from being permanent constructions, the crafts are lashed together as needed from three pieces.
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