[Public Domain] 24 Oct 2010 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Manmade
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If you’ve ever wondered what a pixel looks like close up, here is your answer. This photo is a drop of water on the screen of my iPad. Water droplets have a natural refraction that creates a magnifying-glass effect. You can see here the pixels are magnified so dramatically that their individual red-green-blue composites are visible to the unaided human eye. Each pixel displays red, green or blue in varying brightness to produce a range of colours. White is made up up the maximum brightness of red, green and blue.. seen here in this picture.
When I was a kid, all kinds of computer games and imagery were obviously made up of pixels. In some cases the pixels were huge blocks almost a centimetre across such as early games like “Pong”. Todays pixels are invisible to the human eye, viewable only at this almost microscopic level. Further innovations such as Apples new “retina display” will make the pixel even more enigmatic as it fades from our view altogether.
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