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[Public Domain] 10 Apr 2006 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Art, Tech & Design
15,419 others viewed this post.
Hi all,
For my final assignment for a statistics subject this year at CSU, I am doing an online experiment to measure whether the power of the human mind can influence Random Number Generators (in this case a seeded random PHP function). This is similar to a series of tests that have been run at Princeton University’s Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Labs for 20 years. Although my experiment is a lot less sophisticated, I hope to reach a wider audience (and thus a larger data set) very quickly.
If you think you would like to “take the test” and help me collect data for this assignment, please go to –
All you have to do is “will” the computer into generating a low number. Just keep pressing the “Next” button until you have tried to influence 100 numbers. Thats it! The highest ranking “telepaths” will be ranked in the stats page which also includes the “control” data .. so when you see “Server” listed in the rankings you know that its likely the humans are showing no (or very insigificant) difference to the averages.
Thanks all! Please feel free to forward this email to as many people as you like. If you can influence the random numbers with mental telepathy, quantum mechanics, faith and prayer, or any other mental method please participate.
Dylan O’Donnell
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