[Public Domain] 14 Jun 2008 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Landscape
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I’m sorry about this really mediocre photo but I have an excuse! I’ve been so busy moving my entire life over 1000kms (From Albury to Ballina) I’ve not had a chance for much lately. I hope to share a great new theme to my portfolio (the ocean!) as I get settled into my new area and work and lifestyle etc. I took this particular photo from my balcony at my new house at around 6:30am (the EXIF is wrong). It is a grab shot as I hurried off to work. I come back after dark so it was my only opportunity really, although I’m very excited about this being the view that I wake up to every day!
The Richmond river is tidal, so when the tide is going out, the river flows into the sea, and vice versa when the tide comes back in again. Near the mouth bull sharks have been spotted.
I hope to learn more about this unique landscape soon.
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