[Public Domain] 30 Mar 2006 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Manmade
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Just wanted to quickly apologize for the slow down lately, work and study have caught up to me and are flailing the creative impetus out of me. In the meantime, here is a sundial, an ancient time keeper to convey the feeling of time passing.
A sundial can be as ornate as this, or as simple as a stick in the sand. Our earliest known example of a sundial dates from Egypt 3500 years ago. From the shadows cast by the sun, we learnt how to bargain with the daylight and today our lives are governed by the shifting of time. From the smallest timeslices on a computer CPU several millionths of a second, the microscopic pulse from a quartz crystal, to the timetables, schedules and routine of daily life… time is our master, our healer and the destroyer of worlds.
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