[Public Domain] 24 Mar 2006 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Manmade
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I like how the traffic light stands stoic, unmoving and dutiful in the tide of highway activity, streaming into the night.
The Highway Code
I’m not sure if anyone has ever written this down so here it is. I’m sure it changes from state to state, but you get the idea.
ACTION – An oncoming car flashes its headlights twice.
MEANING – There are police up ahead.
ACTION – An oncoming car flashes its headlights repeatedly
MEANING – Your headlights are off, or your tail/blinker lights are faulty.
ACTION – Car ahead slows down and gets closer to curb
MEANING – Please overtake me.
ACTION – Truck passes in overtake lane and car flashes high beam.
MEANING – You (truck) have passed far enough and can now pull back into the lane.
ACTION – Truck pulls into lane, overtaking you indicates right, then left, then right.
MEANING – Thanks for flashing high beam to indicate it was clear to pull back in.
ACTION – Oncoming car turns its high beam on full.
MEANING – You are blinding me, turn your fucking high beam off.
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