[Public Domain] 18 Jan 2006 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Art, Tech & Design
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The Uppercuts are a rock trio from North East Victoria that I play guitar and scream in. After 11 months of song-writing and practice in a small shack in the bush near Stanley, The Uppercuts recorded their debut EP and did a small tour including Eldorado, Beechworth, Eden and Merimbula.
This is the artwork that features on the CD and website I designed based on the outline of a butterfly, an invertebrate that features regularly at Deography. Some of the species photos including the Caper White, Painted Lady and Jezebels were actually photographed during practice session breaks. If you follow the link to www.theuppercuts.com you will also find a 160 kbps high-quality MP3 of the song “Consumer” from the EP and instructions for subscribing to The Uppercuts mailing list.
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