[Public Domain] 14 Aug 2007 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Landscape
6,300 others viewed this post.
This photo of the view from a 50 meter communications tower in the Warby Ranges looking south-east towards the snow capped mountains in the distance including Mt Bulla and Mt Buffulo. This photo is a composite of 8 vertical (portrait) photos merged together to create one large resolution sweeping vista.
For your benefit dear reader, and to make up for my absence you can Click Here to download the 9 megabyte, 31 Megapixel version!
If you’d like to see a parody video of me ascending the tower to take this photo go to : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR6Ci8viaZc
Download Full Resolution (1024x403) 241KB