[Public Domain] 4 Nov 2012 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Landscape
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This is a test of a new Digipac enclosure I bought for my Nikon DSLR. I took a leap of faith, and without testing, assumed the $100 case would protect my $2000 camera. Happily, it worked as intended. (Phew.)
My results were mixed. Conditions weren’t great and I’ll need more practice if I’m to get a nice barrel photo. The case and nikons menu system mean it’s very difficult to change ISO and focus. I switched between Auto and Manual focus but auto means you can’t fire off a volley of shots quick enough. Being a poor swimmer doesn’t help either. Still, it’s a good excuse to get out among the sand, sun and surf. Hopefully, more of this sort of thing to come with some practice!
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