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[© Copyright] 5 Jan 2005 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Portraits, Species
4,156 others viewed this post.
So I’m entering a photography competition and one of the entry requirements is a self portrait. Another is a biography. After the horror of summarizing my life into a couple of paragraphs, I was faced with the prospect of taking my own portrait. I could have used the studio, but really didn’t feel comfortable with all those lights and white paper. I opted for my bedroom and a desk lamp instead.
This is a long exposure in very low light at ISO 400. Using the remote switch at the ready I looked into the camera, and the mirror to use the shadows effectively. Tired and hot, I tried my best to look .. um.. intelligent. Failing miserably, and having taken several photos I did what all good model photographers do ; I photoshopped the hell out of myself.
I’m sorry to traumatise you all like this. It won’t happen again I promise.
Dylan O’Donnell.
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