[© Copyright] 11 Feb 2012 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Portraits
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My son Zenon was born at around 4:20pm last friday. This photo was taken 9 minutes after that moment. After being born, he was lifted onto Anna’s bare chest to lay skin-to-skin and was cleaned off. After some gurgling and a short cry to clear his throat, he quickly settled and locked eyes with his mother. Being friday afternoon, the hospital staff began to knock off for the weekend and changeover which meant that we were mostly left alone and ended up staying like this for over 3 hours before all the final procedures were completed. He weighed 3.3 kilograms and was born with “mongolion spot” on his bum.. a bluish birthmark that disappears in early childhood and comes from my east-asian ancestry. He is quiet baby who easily settles with his parents touch but is also alert, his eyes following people and locking into different things around him.
I love this photo for capturing such a special moment in time, and the genuine peace and love of it’s two subjects, both of whom I love very much.
If you’d like to see more images from his first day on earth, click this youtube link.
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