[Public Domain] 28 Jan 2005 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Weather
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This was my second chance at lightning photography. The first time I had used the wrong ISO and the aperture was too closed. The photo worked, but hadn’t the quality of this attempt. With my ISO set to 400 I set the aperture to 9 so that the hyperfocal distance would keep the lightning in focus. I didn’t have my remote switch with me otherwise I would have used “bulb” mode to keep the shutter open manually. I set it for a 30 second exposure and the 10 second time delay so I wouldn’t shake the camera when I hit the shutter release. Thankfully, my estimate was right and the trees came out ok, but the lightning worked a treat. I was lucky to capture this, as the next flash was several minutes later, and beyond my sight as the storm moved rapidly south east in a cold wet system that skimmed around the outskirts of town. I had driven about 5 kilometers out of my way towards the highest point I could find.
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