[Public Domain] 16 Nov 2008 Dylan O'Donnell
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Something a bit different for you today, a song I recorded in Logic Studio as a kind of parody of the computer game, Guitar Hero that has ensnared the attention of a few of my good friends. ”It’s fun!” they argue and after a few drinks on a friday night sure enough, out comes the little plastic guitar controller.
Being the musical snob, naysayer and general fun police kind of person I they tell me I am, I protested that it’s a waste of time and that if they’d actually spend the time learning a few chords instead of trying to get high scores on their little plastic toy guitar they may actually find out they can play a REAL instrument and make REAL music instead of pretending to do both.
So one night I spent a couple of hours recording this song with the intention of making a song that *sounds* like it could be in one of those playstation Guitar Hero / Rock Band games. I think it turned out pretty well complete with cliched drum loop, wanky guitar solos and rock and roll progressions.
So enjoy the self indulgent tones yourself with this free MP3 download :
(P.S. Ironically I was soon totally addicted to a similar and perhaps even more useless game called Tap Tap Revolution – Nine Inch Nails Edition – on my iPhone. )
Pictured : A particularly exquisite mother of pearl inlay on one of my guitars. It was made in vietnam.
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