[Public Domain] 20 Nov 2008 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Weather
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This beautifully distinct storm cell passed over me a few hours ago. The storms across Australia have literally stretched from the tip of far north Queensland to Hobart (the entire length of the country across the coast from top to bottom). They have caused devastation in Brisbane and Sydney. As the eye of this cell went over my house, the lights flickered, computers rebooted and several areas nearby lost power altogether.
I huddled under the back verandah in what felt like a cyclone as trees bent over in submission to the fierce howling winds and pounding thunder.
As a bonus to my dear readers, here is the 178 photo series stitched together as a kind of “time lapse”, though it wasn’t intended as such. What you’ll see is perhaps my unedited process .. scrambling for a better view, or adjusting the tripod this way and that. I recorded the audio as the rain passed north and out to sea.
You can view the “time lapse” on YouTube here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFBtaW0zQb8&fmt=18
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