[© Copyright] 30 Jun 2012 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Portraits
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I can’t help myself! My baby boy is still almost the only thing I’m pointing the camera lens at these days. I think this may be my favourite photo of him so far, because it captures his friendly nature and his thoughtful glare. He also wrings his hands together a lot, and this photo was not posed beyond placing him on the sheep skin rug. It’s also wonderful to be able to let him play in the nude in the middle of winter thanks to the wonderful Byron Bay weather recently.
Some tips for baby photography…
I tightened the levels in post processing to give it that “high key” light / white feeling, although you could achieve this by overexposing the shot to start with if you have enough light on the scene to get away with it.
I also used a feathered selection around the eyes and an unsharp mask filter to give the reflections in his eyes that really “sharp” crisp, in-focus look.
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