[Public Domain] 31 Jan 2015 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Astrophotography, Notable
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Ok look. I know I post a lot of photos of the moon but I really try not to! I’m posting another because I think this is the best one I’ve ever captured.
It’s a layering of 2 separate stacks, both of 20 exposures each for a total of 40 exposures. This was done to reveal the faint and delicate crater details as well as the dull blue glow of the earth itself, reflecting back from the dark side of the moon.
I really like how the 20% moon’s character as a 3 dimensional object hanging in space, illuminated both by the earth and the sun, is revealed in this image, unlike any of my other lunar photos.
Taken from my backyard in Byron Bay NSW, Australia with a Celestron 9.25″ SCT w/Focal Reducer (6.3) and Canon 70D. Backyard EOS, AutoStakkert & PS6 used for capture and post processing.
Like most of my photos this is now free and public domain.
UPDATED – This image was featured on Boing Boing and was the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) on March 20th 2015!
UPDATED – This image was Highly Commended in the Solar System category of the David Malin awards 2015!
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