Little Lorikeet - Glossopsitta pusilla

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'Little Lorikeet - Glossopsitta pusilla'

Little Lorikeet - Glossopsitta pusilla

[Public Domain] 7 Feb 2005 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Notable, Species
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A strongly arboreal species, the Little Lorikeet is a diminutive bird that is hard to find. While looking for crakes in patches of combunghi in a shallow pondage I looked up for a moment to see the small green body sitting still and silent. About 10 minutes later I realized there was a second lorikeet there and observed it enter and then exit a small hollow in the living eucalypt in the middle of the weedy swamp.

If they are indeed a breeding pair, then as far as I know this may be the first local breeding record for my area.

UPDATED According to HANZAB this little known bird has only had 19 breeding records for all of NSW… ever. My discovery of this hollow, although it seems to be out of season, may well be the 20th record ever, noted by the Albury Field Nats Society.

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