Ben Ely - Regurgitator

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'Ben Ely - Regurgitator'

Ben Ely - Regurgitator

[© Copyright] 3 Feb 2004 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Notable, Portraits
11,019 others viewed this post.

They had been in the ”bubble” for 24 hours now and for the most part, everything appeared to be going according to plan. Quan strummed a slow but chunky four chord rhythm which the drummer Pete followed with a precise kick beat. After three hours, the song was growing on me. I found myself tapping my feet and humming the vocal melody about the ”Devil with a thousand eyes.”

People passed by, some bemused and some excited. I caught snippets of conversations … ”what a sell out” … ”this is the best thing ever!” …. ”who likes regurgitator?” … ”where’s the toilet?”.

I followed them for 4 hours around the room. Feeling the stare of the 55mm lens, they shuffled uncomfortably, ironically. I set the ISO as high as possible and hummed along.”The devil with a thousand eyes….” *click*

UPDATED – * Published Online JJJ Aus Music gallery Nov 2004

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