[Public Domain] 10 Jul 2023 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Astrophotography
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“Trifid”, which means split into three, really undersells the chaos of this multicoloured nebula cloud. I know I’ve photographed this a few times but I think this year turned out best so far. It was actually meant to be a “test” shot after collimating my telescope properly! I’ve made the image fairly large so you can zoom in and go for a fly if you want.
M20 Trifid Nebula
Celestron C11 @ F7 1960mm FL
QHY294M Cooled CMOS Camera
SKyWatcher Eq8Rh-Pro Mount
NexDome Observatory – Byron Bay, Australia
36 x 3m Red
40 x 3m Green
35 x 3m Blue
Total Integration : 5.5hours
Download Full Resolution (2560x1708) 366KB