[Public Domain] 18 Sep 2014 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Astrophotography, Notable
10,853 others viewed this post.
I’m not really a globular cluster kinda guy, give me a nebula any day.. but I captured a deep space globular cluster called M22 last night and it turned out great.. nice sharp pinpoint stars, unguided. 10 x 30s exposures on the canon70D through the 9.25″ Celestron SCT. There are 2 black holes in that thing. I don’t really know much about them to be honest! They look pretty cool though.
The blue dot is a star with the very sexy name HD171961. A good way to see if a space photo has real colours is that there are usually white, blue and orangey stars you can tell the difference between. If people photoshop too much they tend to all be one colour.
UPDATED – Published in Australian Sky & Telescope Feb 2015!
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