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[© Copyright] 4 Feb 2004 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Notable, Portraits
9,115 others viewed this post.
A crowd stood staring at the band in a glass room in the middle of Federation Square. Profanities could be heard from the band members as they lay down the various parts to the song they were recording. Old couples glared curiously before moving on. Teenagers laughed and pointed at the messy room, filled with bunk beds, computers, cameras, plasma TVs and a plethora of musical equipment and endless arrays of flashing lights.
I spoke to a busker who I’d seen playing earlier. A security gaurd told he about how classical music was his real forte. A junky tried to convince me the whole thing was a conspiracy. A photographer showed me his expensive tripod and I showed him mine, the cheapest I could find.
Quan looked tired. 24 hours had passed. Only 20 days remain. *click*
UPDATED – * Published Online JJJ Aus Music gallery Nov 2004
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