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[Public Domain] 23 Sep 2019 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Astrophotography
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As if being an Apple Mac user, iPhone early adopter and ex-smoker wasn’t annoying enough, now I’ve bought an EV I am well on track to being the most insufferable person you know. God help you if I go vegan.
Look I haven’t driven anything but a twenty year old manual shitbox ever so when this thing rolled of the truck yesterday I felt like I’d stepped into a time machine and skipped two decades of automotive history. I was on the wait list for 3 years and got one of the first right-hand drive, Australian model 3s.
Smooth, capable, completely techy. It’s really difficult to stop punching it at every opportunity. I am in trouble. Took some friends for a spin and my kids faces as I arrived to pick them up from school was worth the price of admission (almost). Anna drives like a lunatic and is not very energy efficient.
Feel a little self conscious as the car gets a lot of attention. Tool’s new album sounds incredible. So does EDM. Highway driving with autopilot is kinda freaky watching the steering wheel take corners by itself.
Everyone seems to have a reason for getting a Tesla. Environment, money, being a huge wanker, safety, speed (those last two seem like they should be mutually exclusive). And all those things are great, but I’m in it for the automation and tech.
It’s a unicorn this week but by the end of the year they’ll be everywhere. If you want a spin hit me up and if you want to buy one use my referral link for 1,500kms free supercharge. 🙂
Canon 6D Mk II – 15s F3.2 ISO 3200 – Tokina 16-25mm lens @ 16mm .. taken last night from Byron Bay, Australia.
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