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[Public Domain] 10 Feb 2022 Dylan O'Donnell
CATEGORY : Astrophotography
22,529 others viewed this post.
Really doesn’t get more iconic than this group of friends does it? The apparent void that forms the horse’s head sits faintly against the bright ionised hydrogen which makes it difficult to photograph without completely blowing out the bright star Alnitak. This has made Alnitak the least favourite star for astrophotographers as evidenced here by the it’s crazy glow and reflections made worse by the super fast optics of the RASA 11″ F2 telescope.
Shot between breaks in the ridiculously stupid weather this year.
Celestron RASA 11″ F2 / 640mm
QHY268M CMOS Camera
16 x 3m Ha (Red)
29 x 2m (Green)
27 x 2m (Blue)
Combined as HaGB
Total 2.6 hours integration.
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